There are a few important aspects to understand regarding our Privacy Policy. Note, our Privacy Policy is always accessible from the TempStars login screen, from our website, or by clicking on this link:
Our Privacy Policy allows TempStars to collect important information from you, that is essential to building and creating your account with us. Regarding communication, while we make every effort to honour requests to keep communication between TempStars, dental offices, and other members confidential, we will exercise our judgement when relaying details and information regarding placements, reasons for cancellations, comments, feedback, and other information relevant to a shift or job. Any details related to these topics may be relayed to relevant parties at our discretion, although for the most part we’ll honour requests to keep information private.
When uploading resumes, pictures, or other documents to your profile, understand this information is not confidential and will be forward to the appropriate party when necessary.
Lastly, how we use your collected data. Broadly speaking, we use personal information for purposes of administering our business activities, providing the products and services you requested, to process your payment, to monitor the use of the service, our marketing and promotional efforts and improve our content and service offerings, and customize our site’s content, layout, services and for other lawful purposes. These uses improve our site and better tailor it to meet your needs. If you wish to read our full Privacy Policy, it is always available at this link:
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