If you arrive at your shift and the office is closed - don't leave the office.
Our support team will call you and the dental office right away to find out what's happening.
Our call center is outbound only, and our numbers that may show on your phone display are:
1-833-559-0208 or 1- 256 -254-5210
So be sure to pick up your phone. While you're waiting, follow these important steps:
Step #1: Check and verify your shift and start time. Check the office website for contact info or in your app account to be sure you're at the right location. Every once in a while we have someone arrive at the wrong office. Also, check for any messages or emails from the office.
Step #2: If you have the contact info for the office, call the contact person or office. You can also look up the office phone number on Google. Go to calendar, click on "shift date" and info should come up.
Step #3: Don’t worry! I'm on it - and you're already clocking your hours - you'll be fully compensated at the shift hourly rate from your Arrival Time and for your waiting time, again don't leave the office.
- As long as you stay and wait, you'll earn your hourly rate from the posted "Arrival Time" for the shift and can invoice that time.
- It's VERY rare that an office books a shift and doesn't need someone for the shift. They might be a bit late opening. But if the office made a mistake and they actually don't need you that day, you're entitled to pay according to our Short Notice cancellation policy, provided you wait at the office.
Very important to note:
If you leave the office without getting any confirmation from us that it was a mistake on their part, or when they will arrive to re-open the office, you don't earn your hourly rate for any part of that shift and the SNC does NOT apply.
If you were able to get in to the office, please let us know as well.
Once weI contact the office and know more we will call you back.
So please sit tight and rest assured you're getting paid for this time.
TempStars Tip: You will be able to invoice from the shift Arrival Time when completing your invoice so not to worry!
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